Recruiting in the Construction Industry

Finding quality construction workers can be difficult. Learn four steps you can take to find them.

According to the Associated General Contractors of America, 83% of contractors are having trouble finding qualified skilled labor, while the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the construction industry will have a shortage of 1.6 million workers by 2022.

In other words, if you feel like you’re having trouble finding qualified workers for your construction business, you’re not alone.

The good news is that while you may not have control over how many qualified candidates are out there, you can take steps that increase your chances at finding those diamonds in the rough.

1. Always Be Hiring

One of the most common mistakes contractors make is hiring at the wrong time. If your business is seasonal and peaks in July, don’t wait until June to seek candidates because the best ones will likely already be taken.

2. Widen the Candidate Net

Speaking of finding quality candidates, you should also be mindful of how to “widen the net” so that more candidates are aware of your business when you need to hire.

A great way to do this is to establish a formal relationship with a local trade school or technical college. Not only does this give you a potentially steady flow of candidates, you can rest a little easier knowing they already have some training.

If you aren’t sure where to begin, search on or simply do a Google search for [trade schools near me].

You can also find quality construction candidates by:

  • Attending local job fairs
  • Offering referral bonuses to existing employees
  • Looking at Craigslist under the “Jobs Wanted” section

3. Create a Detailed Job Description

It’s important to take the time to create a detailed job description for the role before you look to fill it. Doing so will help unqualified candidates filter themselves out of the hiring process, which saves you time in the long run.

Job descriptions can also send a positive signal to quality construction candidates. Higher performers are more likely to seek understanding of not only the daily responsibilities of the job, but how that role fits into the bigger picture success of your company.

Finally, job descriptions make it easier for you to match the right person to the right role. After all, a great candidate can’t be a great employee if the role isn’t right for him or her specifically.

4. Consider a Temp Agency

Of course, hiring is just one of the millions of things to manage when running your construction business, and there’s only so much time in a day. That’s where temporary staffing agencies can help.

As with finding the right employee, it’s important to know whether a temp agency is a good fit for your business. If you’re currently considering an agency, here are some questions you should ask up front:

  • How many construction companies do you work with?
  • How many construction workers have you placed?
  • What are the rates / guarantees for temp-to-permanent employment?
  • What is the rate of workers who experience temp-to-permanent employment?
  • What can I expect from you if the temp worker doesn’t work out as expected?
  • How can I reach out with questions outside of “normal” business hours (after 5 p.m.)?
  • What is your typical response time?

Take Action

Remember that you’re not alone in figuring out how to find the quality construction workers that you need to grow your business. If you can define your expectations for the role, dedicate time to consistently make hiring a top priority, and are able to focus on networking, you’ve greatly increased your chances at finding the right people to help your business succeed.

However, also remember that as a business owner, finding the time needed to manage all of these things yourself may not be realistic. If that’s the case for you, give us a call at 1-877-836-7527 to learn more about how Labor Systems can help.